How to make an animation movie in toon boom studio
How to make an animation movie in toon boom studio

Using the grab handles on the parallelogram looking tool is how we will manipulate and orient our drop shadow. Of course it doesn't look correct yet because we need to position and orient his shadow.

how to make an animation movie in toon boom studio

Once the character is attached to the Drop Shadow Effect we can see his shadow.

how to make an animation movie in toon boom studio

Just drag the character track, or tracks if you used multiple elements for your character, over the top of the Drop Shadow Effect track label. It is just like attaching to a peg element. To generate a shadow I need to attach my character to the Drop Shadow Effect. I do see a parallelogram looking tool icon that will be useful in a minute. When I first add the Drop Shadow Effect to the timeline track list, no shadow appears because nothing is attached to the effect to generate the shadow. Next I will add a new element of the type Drop Shadow Effect to my timeline panel. I'm going to have the ant walk across the stage so I'll use my 12 cell sequence and the Create Cycle command to repeat this basic walk in place cycle for 8 loops. This drop shadow technique would work in either case. I could have used multiple elements for this animation (head, body, right arm, left arm, etc.) but I chose to do it with a single element. This animated cycle consists of 12 cells all in a single element. The first step was to create a simple animation of our ant character walking in place.

how to make an animation movie in toon boom studio

#How to make an animation movie in toon boom studio how to

In this tutorial I'm going to show how to apply a drop shadow effect to an animated character. One of the really fun features of Toon Boom Studio is the Drop Shadow Effect.

How to make an animation movie in toon boom studio